Friday, December 11, 2009


There are moments of laughter; there are moments of pain. But in between them, there are moments of silence.

Sometimes it so just happens that I become silent all of a sudden. In between the fiery conversations or friendly bantering, my mind revolves around the blokes and all of a sudden I keep mum. My eyes widen and I keep silent for a while; and this period of silence ranges from a moment to a lifetime. People around me wonder what happened to him all of a sudden. I do not have the answer myself. My mind at that time is thinking so much that I think it forgets to signal my tongue to move about. Is it the time when I want to talk the most but am afraid that my innermost feeling might reflect? Maybe yes. I always believe that silence speaks more than words and there are times when silence is heard the loudest. But I always wonder how my silence is being interpreted by the other person. In these moments of silence, I have felt that I want to say so much to the other person, want to convey my innermost feelings to him/her but still I pause. I pause and wait. I try to convey the message by other means, maybe eyes or body language but again the mode of communication stands broken. Do I try to hide from people what I want to convey? Am I weak enough to put my stand forward? Or is it that I do not want to hurt the other person or make him/her sad with my feelings.

Whatever the case may be, I hope someday I will stop hushing and will be able to regain my conscious in these periods of stillness and say what I need to say… till then wake me up, wake me up fellows when you find me revolving around the blokes!



Priti said...

i think the wiring between the brain and tongue is overused :) and for some of us who use both a lot... momentary malfunctions occur :)

Luv Bhatia said...

Very well put Priti, this sums up my blog :-)