Monday, November 09, 2009

The Musiconnoisseur!!

Yesterday, in the midst of heavy traffic patrolling down the streets of Mehrauli, there were 2 guys spotted blasting their heart out on a song while the other 3 passengers in the car were busy gossiping about quotidian activities and rituals, ignorant to the song being played. Indifferent to the outside world, the two were submerged in their own sweet world of music whether it’s unplugged or reprise. Welcome to the world of “The Musiconnoisseur”!

I’ve met several different species of Musiconnoisseurs in this short span of life that I have enjoyed. To start with the first species are “The Musicaters”, who simply hate music. Yes, that is true. This kind of species always requests for turning down the volume. They prefer to listen to the news rather than music. I have met a couple of people in the car pool who fall in this category. My grandfather will also fall into this category.

Next are “The Musignorants”, who are ignorant to the music being played around them. They are ignorant to the type of music being played, it doesn’t make any difference to them whether any music is being played or not. They wish that the music was not that loud but then do not complain about it. “The Musignorants”! People in my life who fall in this category are my mom, nanny, a couple of cousins and a couple of friends.

Next in the line are “The Musitainers”, for whom music is just another form of entertainment. They do not have any preference of music, they mostly like peppy tracks having dhink chack groovy kind of beat. The only songs they listen to are the ones listed in the top 20 countdown. “The Musitainers”! Sonu, Kush, Moni and a lot of my friends will comprise this species. Sometimes I find myself hanging here as well for a period.

Next are “The Musiluvers”, who simply love music. They believe that they “live for music”. Music is an integral part of their life and has a space in their life and time. They try to find means of discovering new music, explore new jingles. They enjoy music of every genre. They sing as if they are the ones from whom this jingle has embarked. Most of them have a bad voice, they cannot sing but still they pour their heart out when they hear a song they love. I believe that the two guys, Sachin and I, who were spotted in the traffic above comprise of this species. My second maa will also fall in this species. Also, all my dearest friends are a part of this list. Maybe we bond together because of this common stroke.

The Musibehavers” are the final species who I have met. For they do not live for music, but “Music lives for them”!! The only thing which they dream about is music, music bands and music instruments. They read music, worship music. For them there is nothing beyond or superior to music. They are “The Musibehavers”! My dad needs a special mention in this species; after all he is the one who is responsible for my love for music. Three other people who I cannot control to mention, and yes I will pin their names down this time – Daddu aka Mayank, Kali and Colyn. In their own special way, these 3 people misbehave with music, hence “The Musibehavers”!

Ps: To my family and dearest friends, please don’t judge me on the above classification, you are very special to me in your own special way irrespective of whether you love or hate music. I love you all.

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