Monday, December 28, 2009

It’s a magical world after all… let’s go exploring!!

U2 have quoted “Nothing changes On New Year's Day” but my life is definitely going to change this coming New Year. Come 2010 and I am up for a ride. I do not believe in new year resolutions as I have seen people including myself faltering and never recovering on the same for that year, so let me start this promising year with a to do list. If I complete it, it is for my own good; if I don’t then what the heck, it’s my list after all :-) so, here it goes….

1. After a while I am returning home, so I will take care of my family and bring more happiness into their lives even though if I have to sacrifice some things which bring happiness to me.
2. I will try to find a purpose and not be a depraved human being. (I quote from Atlas Shrugged: The most depraved type of human being ... (is) the man without a purpose)
3. I will do my work with more than 100% commitment. There’s nothing of any importance except how well I do my work. Period.
4. I will try to find a life partner. I know marriages are made in heaven, but then effort has to be made on earth :-)
5. Once I find a life partner, I will try to bring all the happiness in this world for her in this new beginning. (Please note “her”, I am not gay :-))
6. I will get in touch with my old friends especially those I have not been in contact with from a long time. Yes, this item is long pending and now that I will be in Delhi, I will surely try and beg for forgiveness.
7. I was wondering how my to-do list can be without any line item for MuSiC. I am completely blank as to what to mention here. I am not sure whether I will have time to learn a musical instrument. Alright, I found something… I will make someone happy by singing a song for him/her. (Mind it... this is one of the most difficult item in my list considering my tone of voice but I can give it a shot after all :-) I hope I don’t end up making that person even sadder!)
8. I will stay fit. Now, this will be a little difficult considering my work travel schedule but weekends are there to compensate.
9. I will try to be still. Now this has got into my list as mom told me yesterday that my mind wanders about too much and I should concentrate on making it peaceful and still. I have no clue what does it mean but maybe by the end of the year I know what it means and I would have become “stiller”?. Happy exploring! :-)
10. I will get closer to god. Don’t worry; I am not talking about dying. It is the spiritual connection I am referring to here (I hope mom or god does not read my blog anytime otherwise I am in for a regular trip to the temple.)

Looking at the above list, I must say it will be helluva year! But then, as I said 2010 is a year for change… It’s a magical world after all… let’s go exploring!!

Wish you all a very happy new year!!


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