Monday, August 15, 2005

Noisy Symphony

The unheard song out of the blue knocked me off. One jingle paints a thousand pictures in the theatre of the mind. It’s only a single utensil the noise is dismantling from, yet the vibrations movement ricochet the sonata. There is a sense of belongingness to this noise, yet numb. Looming from the deep down emotion lane, this clatter of silence sweeps the soul with symphony. A false delusion of sadness emancipates the harmony, but fact lies in the truth of the tinkle, which is as trustful as the deity, as serene as a thought.
The shelter dingdong which unconsciously covers me all moments departed for a while, fabricating moments of insight music which is not unheard but perpetual, perpetual only till there is either day or night! It is immaterial I being the light or the dark, the unheard song will still knock me off the moment I am not coupled to become the dawn…


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

lIvIn nExT dOoR tO aLiCe

Out of the blues I thought of jotting down something. It seems so difficult to drag something from inside, maybe a window solution with a mouse port is required but might be till that time this server is…server timed out….Oops! Thank god the response is not Unknown host till now!

Anyways just to start up with this let me just recall how my day started and what provoked me to pen down something….After all the excitement last night of the Race, not that the race was exciting but the drinks that got into me…I woke up a bit late…and then after the quotidian activities I started off for my work place…the king of the jungles…Shols. One thing I just love is to drive on ECR, you have to either drive @ bullock cart speed or have to turn on the radar which will keep the cyclist awake and not poke into your vehicle all of a sudden. Or meet someone who is eager to leap at your vehicle to cross the road. You need the roadrash weapon to keep the flow going….

Anyways after getting dressed and picking up all the necessary belongings I headed for the stairs peeping into Alice’s home. Alice the girl I can die for … the girl who drives my day, just a glimpse of her smiling face makes my day…. She is so beautiful and charming. I am an addict of her smile. The way she glances at me when I am leaving for work just makes me go bezerk. This is the only time I get to see her…but what do I see … she is not at her home today, not to see me off for the day…..sigh! Disheartened I managed to reach the ground floor and leave for the jungle. Thoughts of the whole day going bad came to my mind until I just lifted my eyes to see her…What could I have asked for more, there she was waiting for me to give me life, the love to just carry on…. She with her cute little micky mouse bottle in her hand, school bag crumbling her shoulders down and the cutest smile I have ever seen worn on her face; waiting for her school van. Her right hand was in her granddad’s wrist while the left one was just swinging in the air on the tune of a Tam song she was murmuring. As soon as she saw me, she turned her head towards left and strengthened her cheek muscles to give a big smile to me. Something like converting a :j to:d … All my Monday morning blues went off and I was overwhelmed to see her smiling face. I smiled back with a :j smile, waving at her with my left hand. She waved back too.

Glancing at her the last time for the day, I started to drive my 100 cc bike at bullock cart speed towards the jungle but her smiling face was coming in front of me all the time. How much happy she was? *touchwood* how much relaxed and composed she was *touchwood* …. thoughts started to flow straight inside me. I remembered my school time when I used to be like her…not that sweet but I also had a cute smiling face which would have probably influenced someone else’s day too… But then all of a sudden a question bombed me. Period. Everything went black. All memories left me. My mind, body, soul just thinking of only that...How much dependent she was?
Dependent on the tiffin box that her mom would have prepared early morning, the cold water she would have put in her micky mouse bottle, the clothes she would have washed and ironed for her last night, the dependence on her granddad’s hand to take her to the bus stop; How much dependent she was...haahhahaha. Who was i laughing at? At myself? Probably...

More than even what anyone can imagine…. She is Independent!

Serenity of thought which comes to her mind makes her independence. The thoughts like whether there is Maggi for tiffin? Whether I will get tank or roohafsha in my micky mouse bottle? When will the school van come so that I can go and talk to Charu and Sheetal and show them my new earrings which my dad gifted me yesterday?
What game will I play in the PT period… the list goes on…. This is what independence is all about. The serenity of thoughts….thoughts which can make one smile….
I started to wonder how her thoughts were so serene. How things will happen if she was truly independent, may it be independence of living etc.
I got my answer the very next moment. The dependence of her love to the others and vice versa made her so independent. The love of her mom to carry out the routine work for her while adding her love by either mixing the water with Roohafzha or preparing maggi so that Alice’s day passes by with all smiles; The love of her granddad that comes daily to leave her to the bus stop; the love of her dad to get something for her at night to make her different in front of her friends. The love of her friend who will ask her to give those earrings to her; the love of Alice who will give one to her friend and keep one for herself and get the scolding from her dad.

All this dependence made her the most Independent soul on this earth. *touchwood*

Grow up Luv, with this entire gimmick, what are you gonna prove that if your mom and granddad would have done this to you would you have been independent like her? Would your thoughts reflect the same serenity as hers? All these thoughts started to flow in all directions. My inner self itself asking me to justify my thought process. This was the level of affronted Independence I had.
But then with all this mockery I made, I had to justify my inner self of the truth.

The truth about my independence!
The truth of my dependence to be independent!

My dependence on Alice’s smile to kick start my day; dependence on the song I hear when I am traveling to the jungle; dependence on the face which brings smile on my face; dependence on the shoulders that bears my heavy hands; dependence on the mind which is tuned to the same frequency; dependence on the friend I can talk long and share my grievances; dependence on
others love for me.

I don’t know how much Independent I am but I do know by looking at Alice that the more dependent I am, the more Independent I am.


Monday, March 07, 2005

Sunday, February 27, 2005

There are somethings money can't buy!

knock knock... "Please open the door" someone shouted from the staircase....
Dhag dhag...the door banged...
Dhag dhag dhag......"Open the door" the voice became more blatant.
"Oh my god, who's this in the wee hours" a wisper to oneself was heard.
The hands on the forehead. Beer bottles scattered all around... still in bed I opened my eyes... Bang bang....the same picky voice was again heard shouting...."open...door....break..."
Oh did I hear it correctly?
"What the F..Someone’s knockin the door...Need to get up...." the whisper came.
Not knowing how I managed to get up and open the door, I saw a police officer standing angrily on the porch.
All haziness disappeared... "Hey what’s the officer doing here..Did I do something last night??? Beer, party, fag...what else....I don’t remember. Holy Shit"
"yes please" my fearful voice came out.
The officer angrily muttered "What the hell were you up to? Cant you here the door bell or the knocking?"
"sorry ..ah..Sir, was asleep..." fearfully I managed to utter.
"May I see your passport?" came the abrupt reply.
"What??? Did I hear it correctly? Can I ask him to come again? Pardon? wie bette?"
The angry officer blatantly shouted this time "PASSPORT"
Yes I heard it correct! "It is the same word. No no can’t be...but yes 2nd time I heard this...." "Shit! I am screwed!"

All of a sudden some third creature popped up .... "Get up! We are already late...its 8'o clock..." And shocked, fearfully I looked at him...."Come-on what are you looking at...Its Monday..We are getting late....Company's rules say to reach at my seat by get up!" came the recognizable voice.
But then hello where is the officer? And that word....


Welcome to the real world!

I am a software engineer without a passport.

Hello! Welcome! This is me.
My identity? No I don’t have any.
Will an Indian word suffice? Naa...or will a North Indian word suffice....can't say....How about a North Indian Software Engineer?....Need some it goes....
A North Indian Software Engineer working in South India(NISEWISI)....wooh...nice acronym...NISE WISI....

What the fuss about all this? And what's this North Indian South Indian tantrum..??
Passport depicts as Indian right? Don’t know...i don’t have it...but surely I have seen some of them; dreaming I would also have it one day...They all had Indian on it....then what’s all this?

Common now don’t tell me that you have not experienced the same emotions what I have!
Don’t tell me you never fought to put your point forward in a team meet..when from all of a sudden a joke is cracked which you can hear but then it enters from one ear and exits from the other not reaching the brain...or maybe the decoding software is not there...
Yes but then can I change the passport details for everyone else please? Or will I be getting a North Indian citizenship?
How about making the passport in the respective languages u land up in other country and they say "sorry not recognizable! Decoder not found!"

Common talk sense...what shall I do?

Hmm..It’s a tough job!
Well all the nasty pricks that should not be applied come to my mind.
But then awareness has to be there...your thoughts have to reach the concerned the concerned is you yourself...!!

So does it mean tit for tat? Well can about mailing to the team in a Punjabi or Hindi font? Does it sound stupid...well yes but some things money can’t buy!
How about conversing in Hindi only....

All these are not the solutions.....

The solution lies in being straight and to the point. A humble request in a team meet or an account meet shall solve the problems maybe not fully but yes people are there to understand....But still if there is no say....there are above ways to deal with any situation.

Can I come up with a BOK of what NISE WISI faces?
The above one is just an eye opener. And then the solutions to all those problems...Sounds cool na...
But then isn’t there an easy way out?
Oh yes definitely! Go back to sweet home Alabama....And then if you find any SISE WINI's try the same on them! How exciting!

In the real go maybe some things needs a change.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word "India"? Population, Corruption, Political disorder, communal riots? There are many what we don’t know too....
But yes I also hear the word "Cricket". Maybe the only word which unites the nation together.

The positive things to look forward these days maybe the word "software" but then that solely depends on "us" and not "US of A"

Can't there be a place where there are no NISE WISI'S or SISE WINI's.
Can’t we just have a common goal to achieve, to see our country shine?

Probably there are something’s money cant buy!

My eyes are searching the MasterCard!