Saturday, October 20, 2007

Get the basics right...

Wish I had done my homework today....

While traveling back from school I used to complete my homework... not that I was a nerd but I was crazy about sports... Cricket to be precise. My mom had her basics right in not letting me go to play until I had done my homework... wish she was here to paster me to do my homework today.... Anyways, I used to complete my homework while traveling back from school to home so that I can get a complete 1 hour more to play. I did my basics right then. Why not today?

And there were some days when the school bus used to get late and I used to play soccer and pray for the bus to not arrive at least for an hour. These moments used to be golden as I got to play without doing my homework! Why not today?

Today I did not do my homework. The flight got delayed and I am here,this is me sitting at the airport remembering the golden days. The same rule applies here... if I had done my homework and would have called to find out whether my flight was on time (wish I would have read Kali's blog on learning to fly before I started for the airport), I would have got more than 2 hours to play, keep a book to read while traveling and catch up with some sleep.

But then it is not that bad; as you get to see some of the funniest stuff going around. People are trying to kill time - not literally. Craziest like me are gaging the sound of music in the escalators noise or carefully listening to the same security warnings. Also it has been observed that people while coming out from the rest room tend to either check that their zip is their jacket is below the waist. Now, this rhythms to the fact that in ping pong a player in most cases looks at the paddle when he/she plays an atrocious shot or in tennis or badminton the player adjusts the guts of the racket as to blame the misalignment for the unforced error.

Wish I could blame my unforced error....


1 comment:

Kalindi said...

Hehehe... TRUST ME this is not bad at all.... It's better than reaching 12 hours too early and spending those 12 hours on a airport terminal... It's also better than sitting inside the plane waiting to take off....
Never mind... I guess we all are still learning!!